

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Naked Gun 33 1/3

The Naked Gun 33 1/3

So it's time for my final review in The Naked Gun Trilogy. So in this one Frank has come out of retirement which he did at the end of the last movie, to help stop a group of terrorists who are planning to put off a bomb at the Academy Awards. Now again just a stupid but hilarious movie, but I love it. So again Leslie Nielsen is just great in this movie he plays the part just perfectly. Now as far as the story goes this one is my favorite of the three Frank goes undercover with the bad guys in this one and I just love how much more engaging this one is out of the three. Now in the last review I had a complaint about some of the humor and it even says at the top of this poster mostly new jokes there are some of the same jokes and humor and it was boring after three movie but there was some new humor that I loved. Another thing I didn't like is Jane and Frank are having relationship problems again, I just got sick of it and just thought that they should have done something else with that relationship. But anyway for the rest of the movie I did like it not as good as the original but worth watching and something good to watch when you need a laugh.

So what are the people saying? Again the people who hated this movie hated the humor and I understand that it's just that kind of humor. There were also a few people who were saying that this one was better than the second which I agree with the second one just wasn't my favorite at all. 

Now as for the ratting I give The Naked Gun 331/3 a 6/10.

Now I wanted to answer a question that some have asked me who is better Frank or Austin Powers. I have thought long and hard about this and it's a close call  but as far as the character I like more it's Austin Powers he's just awesome and a spy which I love. The movies are about the same as far as great movies, the humor they are tied, the villains Dr. evil wins there's just so many things I could talk a  bout  I might even do it's own post on it sometime. 

Well thanks for reading and I hope you've enjoyed.

The This and That Guy :)

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