

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug

The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug

So The Hobbit D.O.S. Starts where The Hobbit took off, the gang from the first movie are continuing on in their journey to the mountain where they are going to have battle the evil dragon Smaug. So this is movie is just awesome. Let's start out with the acting as always. Just wonderful every single one of them  Martain Freeman kills as Bilbo, and Ian McKellen as Gandlaf is also just awesome. Orlando Bloom is back as Legolas and holy cow was he just awesome I loved Legolas so much he was just super bad ass!!!!  The script and story and all that pretty darn good there was a point in the movie where it kind of dragged on but I think it was more of the fact that the movie was nothing but awesome action and stuff and then of course there had to be a part where it's not all action is felt like it dragged on.  Another flaw to film that I want to adress while I'm addressing them is some of the special effects could have been better, there wasn't exactly a whole lot of them but there were parts where I thought they could have been better. So the action in this movie holy freaking crap, it was like non stop just action after action and beast after beast that they are killing. It was just amazing action. I also want to say how everything looks beautiful I don't know if that makes sense but everything just looks beautiful I kind of want to go see it in 3 D everything just looked so cool. So I want to also talk about something that I don't usually talk about and that's the camera angles in this movie I just felt like I was in this movie I felt like I was moving with the characters and I was right there.All right now to the part we are all dying to hear about Smaug!!!!!!! Well if you've seen the trailer then you saw some of Smaug. I remember seeing him in that trailer and I was lie, holy mother of god this is going to be awesome, and awesome isn't good enough for awesome he is. There is no word in the dictionary that can describe how awesome he is he's just that awesome. Now this isn't a negative but I felt that I should warn my readers the movie has just a huge cliff hanger it's like the end of the battle and then onto another battle but black and everyone in theatre was just like what? No!!!! It just kills you a little bit that you have to wait a whole year more before you can find out the rest. 

So what are the people saying? Well some are saying its slow and boring which I do not understand. The first one was pretty boring I felt but that was introducing the characters so I get it, this one however just was not boring there was a period of the movie where I was wanting it to speed up like I said above but not at all a boring movie in my opinion. A few are complaining that the only thing that happens is that they finally reach this mountain which is what happens in the movie but that's not the only thing there's obstacles on the way and the movie is just wonderful fun. A few are also saying that if your not a fantasy fan then your not going to like it which I guess I do agree with I can see why people would say that. Now I haven't read the books but some are saying that it is to far off of the book but you know what they wanted it to be another trilogy and that's what your getting and the book isn't really a trilogy's worth of movies so you kind of had to be expecting that one but you know what I think the movie is still just so awesome that who cares really. I've also read some about the plot and how it really doesn't go no where it's the same as it was before really and to that I say the three movies are one big movie it's all the same plot but as I said above I enjoyed the movie and didn't feel that the plot was off or bad. Now I know it seems lie, there was a lot of negative reviews from the people but I also would like to stress that there were plenty of good reviews foe this film.

If you enjoy the LOTR trilogy and you enjoy action packed fantasy sequences then your going to love this movie the same as I did.

So as for my ratting I give part 2 of this trilogy an 8/10

So what did you think? Did you agree? 

Let me know!!!

The This and That Guy :)

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