

Friday, January 31, 2014

Should We Change the Drinking Age?

Should We Change the Drinking Age?

So first off I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday I was kind of tired because of the fact that I had worked a night shift and I just barely had the strength to do anything. So anyway moving on with Feelings Friday today's topic is the drinking age limit and weather or not it should be changed. Well I have to start by saying that I'm kind of against alcohol really, I feel that we should try bringing back the Prohibition if its possible but I realize that's probably not going to happen. But todays topic is not about alcohol its the question should it be changed and to that I don't know I guess I don't see the point in raising it first off. I know a lot of people who aren't 21 and they are still drinking and nothing is going to stop them from drinking so what's the point in raising it when you know they are going to get it some other way. Now if we were to change things up somehow and change the laws or something so that people underage could not get alcohol no matter what well then maybe, but I don't think it could ever happen. Now as far as lowering it you know I think in a way it should be lowered. Its like I said before people are still going to drink and they are adults now shouldn't adults be able to make their own decisions? I don't know what to think of that one, I feel the age limit at the moment is doing something at least to keep some people from drinking but I don't think its doing as much as we would have hoped. The other thing I'm thinking about is if we lower the age limit will people just keep doing it illegally and just be younger drinkers? If so I don't want that to happen and I say leave it as is. I don't know if I will ever drink if and when the time comes I will not be a heavy drinker, I've lost friends/family to alcohol and I just don't want to take risks like that with my life. I also live in WI we have a lot of problem with alcohol and you know what we should really take care of it in some way, I feel as if we are not doing enough I don't know what exactly we can do but I feel as if we can do something. We need to stop the drunk driving and all that I don't know how we can do it but there's just got to be something that we can do.

So what do you think? Let me know and thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Justin Beiber News

Justin Beiber

So I'm sure we have all heard the news of Justin Beiber who has been in the news lately, he got arrested for Driving Under the Influence and right now he's in court and all that crap. Now I feel like Justin is heading toward the crazy young kid zone. Miley has kind of went that way, Lidnsey went that way and I wouldn't be surprise if Justin heads this way. Justin is in the news a lot and its been for a lot of things. He has been doing dumb things he's crashed his car while driving and stuff, most of the news having to do with him and his car. So I think he should at least better have his liscene removed for a while. I have heard that he has a really great mom, well i want to know what the hell she is doing? She needs to just take him away from the spotlight for a bit he's just been heading in the wrong direction. I feel like he's been hanging out with the wrong crowd, and I do think he's talented and he writes his own music but really he needs to get his act together. Now there are also some rumors about removing his green card, well I like the idea of doing this, its like I said above he needs to just take some time off, I don't know about just sending him back to Canada. So we will see what happens but he does need to grow up and I do think he does need to take some time off.

But what do you  think? Let me know and thanks for reading!!

The This and That Guy :)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Malificent Trailer Review


maleficent Trailer

So a new trailer for the new sleeping beauty movie maleficent came out yesterday and I have to say this movie just looks just awesome. The trailer has like three lines in it and that's it, this is more of a visual trailer and visually it just looks great. The special effects look just great, and it just looks so beautiful. The costumes also look just amazing and Jolie is hot even though she's this evil witch with horns I just love it! The song that is playing in the background is the original song once upon a dream but its sung by someone else I can't remember at the moment who it is but its more of a darker and slower version that I like. I love this new version of this song and I think it just shows how much darker and awesome this movie is. Jolie does this last little evil laugh at the end that was just bad ass and its just awesome. It also looks like there is going to be some kind of war, I don't really know how that will come into place, this will obviously be different than the classic fairy tale and I'm excited to see this new twist. I'm so freaking excited for this movie and I can't wait. There is something that I have to say and that's the fairy godparents they are shown briefly and they look like little tiny animated tinker bells and they kind of look weird and childish. I'm really hoping that this movie is more adult I guess just a darker twist to this classic fairy tale. I'm really excited and I can't wait to see this movie!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Quentin Tarantino News

So Taantino has been in the news lately, it first started last week. Tarantino has wrote and was about ready to start working on this movie known as The Hateful Eight, the movie was supposed to be a spaghetti western like his last movie Django Unchained and he gave the script to a few trusted friends and one of his friends put the script on the internet for everyone to read and after that Tarantino decided that he was going to drop the project so as of now no The Hateful Eight. Now it was announced today I think that he is going to sue this guy for putting it out. Now lets start with the last weeks news first, Does Tarantino deserve to be angry? Yes he sure does, this is another one of those reasons why I don't trust people, even friends they are all just evil! Now do I think he should have just dumped the project? No, I don't I'm not a fan of all of Tarantino's work however I was a fan of Django and I liked the idea of another spagethii western. I feel let down right now, I really do! I was really excited about this movie and I didn't go and read the script and I'm not planning to I was just going to go see the movie but as far as news now I will never get to see it and I'm not going to go read it so I'm just not going to see this. I feel like I'm not the only one who is on my side on this one, I feel like there are plenty of others who are in the same situation. So I really just kind of hate him at the moment. Now as far as the sueing goes to I believe he should do this, absolutely yes! Tarantino takes a lot of time to make his projects, Now lets think of his last movie Django it came out Christmas of 2012 and his last movie before that was Inglorious Bastards in 2009. This guy cares about his movies he spends years getting these things just right, The Hateful Eight was supposed to come out I think in 2015 or 2016 that's three or four years after Django! This guy takes his time and does the job right so yes he has every right to be angry and sue this guy!

So what do you think? Do you agree?

Thanks so much for reading!!

The This and That Guy :)

The Switch Review

The Switch Review

So The Switch stars Jenifer Aniston and Jason Bateman and they are close friends and she decides that she wants to have a baby but she can't find a guy to have a guy with so she decides that she's going to get donor sperm and have a baby. So after she finds a donor her friend played by Bateman accidentally spills the donor sperm and so he has to switch it with his own sperm. The movie then skips seven years when she has had the kid and we have our story. So this is a drama I guess, but the movie is also pretty funny its a dramedy I guess. So anyway lets get started the acting in this movie is great, I like Aniston and I like Bateman and I would have to say that this is probably my favorite of both of theirs. I think the two of them had such great chemistry that I just loved, I totally believed their friendship its one that I did feel is real in real life. Now I have to talk about this kid in this movie he's just awesome!! This movie made me want to have kids and I hate kids! The kid is funny he's serious when he needs to be I just loved every bit of this kid he's just awesome! I also loved the premise in this movie it was just great, I loved the idea of it! Now the comedy in this movie is great, the comedy in this movie is just so real and so funny I loved it so much. I really loved the kids lines that were funny and he just delivered them perfectly. This movie also has a lot of heart there are just moments that do just touch you and you can't not love it!

Now what are the people saying? Now there are actually a lot of people who didn't like this movie. A lot are saying how this movie is boring, I really didn't agree with that but I guess the movie did have parts that were just kind of slow and maybe a little boring at times I guess. Now there are people who are saying that the movie is a romantic comedy and I don't think it is, yes he likes his friend but they don't actually have that little spark moment until about the last five minutes, I think its more of a drama I think what the movie is about is not about winning the girl but about finding out that the guy has a kid and the actual switch and how she realizes that the kid is actually his. Now then there are also people who like me actually enjoyed this movie. There is a lot of mention of how good Jason Bateman was in this movie and I would have to agree Bateman does great in this movie and I would have to say its one of my favorites of his. This movie was on Netflix and that's where I watched it, but I would go ahead and buy this movie its worth the money in my opinion, the kid in this movie is just awesome! So all together a pretty decent and funny movie!!!

So as for my rating of this movie I'm going to give this movie a 7/10!

So what did you think? Did you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!!

The This and That Guy :)

I Give it a Year Reveiw

I Give it a Year

So I Give it a Year is about this couple that their family and friends don't believe will last and after the year anniversary comes around friends and family get back together and the couple starts to have some difficulties with their relationship, question is will the marriage last? So this is a British comedy and I have to say I was surprised with this one, I actually thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Lets start with the acting the acting is pretty good, there are actually some actors and actresses that some might know because they are American actors. The story and script and all that was pretty decent, I liked this movie is wasn't like all those romantic comedies it took a turn that I was not really expecting. Now the comedy, I think that there are a few moments where your like okay this sucks and its in my face, but then there are just some where its actually really funny and I loved most of the comedy in this movie. Now like I said the movie had some surprises that I wasn't expecting and I did like that part of it. So the movie is a unexpected and decent romantic comedy.

So what are the people saying? So there are a couple of people saying that the move is kind of slow and I do see where they are coming from it takes some time to get to the good part of the movie and I do wish it would have speed up a bit. Some people don't like the comedy in this movie and like I have said in all other comedies someone has to always hate the comedy in a comedy we all think there a certain things that are funny and then other things that are not. Now I hate to be biased and all that but I'm pretty sure some people didn't like this movie because of the fact that the movie was British made, I don't know maybe its just crazy vibe I'm getting, I do have to say though that I've seen some British made movies and a lot of them do just suck. Then there are just some people who just hated this movie, they thought the movie was uninteresting and the comedy was dumb, but for the most part I think this movie has gotten some decent reviews. This movie was a decent movie it was on Netflix and I think it is one worth watching with other people not exactly worth buying but it is worth watching on Netflix.

So as for my rating I'm going to give this movie a 6/10!

So what did you think? Did you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Novocaine Review


So Novocaine stars Steve Martian and he's this dentist and he's suspected of murder and well this is supposed to be like this dark comedy and well its just weird. Now the acting in this movie is good I like Steve Martin as an actor, Helena Bonham Carter is this love interest in the movie and she's kind of a drug addict and well the chemistry between these two characters is just weird and awkward and I just don't see it. The movie has an interesting premise and its interesting but again it just comes off as weird in my opinion. The movie is supposed to be this dark comedy and I just didn't see anything in this movie that was even really remotely funny I just think that it was weird. I thought this movie was kind of boring and just not interesting at all, I didn't feel that there was really a lesson to be learned or anything like that in this movie it was just a movie that sounded interesting and was actually boring and just kind of dark and weird. I guess I don't know what else to say about this movie, its just kind of boring and I really didn't enjoy it. I guess I just didn't really understand what this film set out to do really.

So lets see what the people are saying. So I think that a lot of people are in agreement with me when I said that the movie is kind of strange and the meaning is kind of unclear. People thought that the acting in this movie was very good which I agree the acting is good, its nothing spectacular but it is decent.  There are people who thought that the script was a little strange and I think that goes along with what I said before that the movie is weird and I just don't understand really what it was trying to get at. I think that there are a couple of people who are super big Martin fans and they maybe just liked this movie for that reason, I guess I don't know. There some people who liked this movie and thought it was funny and dark and like a horror film that they actually enjoyed for me though it was just weird. A few people are saying that the movie is slow and I guess I kind of agree with that the start of the movie we just see a lot of dental kind of things and I don't know but I kind of felt like the movie needed to get to the point and get to the murder part of it, I think I felt that I didn't really  get the plot for a while and I just agree with that the beginning is slow. So I guess there is kind of some mixed reviews with the people some like this movie and some just hate this movie.

As far as my rating goes I'm going to give this movie a 3/10!

So what did you think? Did you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

The Smurfs 2 Review

The Smurfs 2

So The Smurfs 2 is the sequel to 2011's The Smurfs, and in the last ones The Smurfs got chased through this portal by Gargamel and they end up in New York City and they have to try to escape Gargamel and get home and that was the first one, and the movie was just terrible. In this one Smurfette is taken to Paris by Gargamel and she's taught to be evil and so the rest of the Smurfs have to come safe her and the movie is just as bad as the first one. This movie is just terrible its just a flaming pile of terrible! The acting for starters is just terrible, there are some great actors in this movie but it just felt like they said to themselves, hey this is a kids movie lets act as if we've been drinking all day and do a performance that's only about half as good as we can actually do. I honestly feel like everyone involved in this movie went in for nothing but money and that's it. Even the freaking voices for the movie just sucked! The story is terrible, the jokes, the script, all that jazz is just terrible. There's about 20 different lessons in this movie and all of them throw them out in a way that is just stupid and dumb. They throw them all out and they have to really explain the lesson, its like if its a lesson on family they have to say we are family you have learned this lesson now we are family. The movie also felt like a whole crap load of commercials at time to, there's like scenes where they are like oh wow look at this product it is so cool see how I'm using it its so awesome. Its just annoying and stupid. I also notice they took a lot of lines from other movies that are actually good and made them terrible by like putting the smurf in there or something and it was just stupid and cheesy and stupid and dumb. Now I also want to talk about the humor in this movie, it sucks all of it just sucks! They take smurf and replace it with a cuss word they are just like "Son of a smurfing smurf" and its just annoying and not funny and it might be to kids but its not really going to be funny to me when I hear a five year old saying these things in the street, its just annoying and kind of inappropriate in my opinion. Its possible that kids might like this movie if they are super young but adults for the most part will just hate it! If you want to watch a good kid/adult movie maybe try Frozen that got nominated for best animated picture this year that movie is actually one worth watching, but The Smurfs 2 is just terrible. Now there is one thing I can say about this movie that is good I guess and that's the animation it looks pretty darn good. They set the smurfs in the real world and it looks pretty good.

So what are the people saying? Well I think most of us are in agreement when we say that this movie sucks! The only thing that is really getting talked about is good is the one thing that I thought it was good and that's the animation. Otherwise everything as I said above, yeah that's what the people are saying I'd rather not my time and your time typing that all over again. :)

So as for a ratting I'm going to give The Snurfs 2 a 1/10! The one for the decent animation.

So what did you think? Did you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!!

The This and That Guy :)

My feelings on smoking


So today for feelings Friday I'm going to talk about smoking. Now before I start I want to say I don't want to offend anyone and I want to make sure that you know that I'm putting out my opinion. Now here we go, so I want to start out by saying that I'm very against smoking, I just don't like it one bit. Why do people smoke? I just don't get it? I mean we know its bad for us look at all the things that we have found out about them, they cause cancer and they just are not good for you. Now I do see that there was a time in which we didn't realize that these things are bad and it was just considered something that's cool. I understand that and realize how hard it can be to quit things, but people who have started today why? You know they are bad for you so why?  I have a little bit of sympathy seeing as peer pressure sucks and people pressure you into doing things but seriously why not quit? I work at a case station and we sell cigarettes and the cheapest one is $5.99. With that money I can buy eggs, milk, bread, maybe even butter and even still have some to spare. Its expensive to smoke so don't do it! What really drives me nuts is when there are adults who have kids who smoke, I just hate this your a terrible parent if your buying three packs of cigarettes a day, buy your kids some better shoes or some healthier food! I get it if your trying to quit and your smoking maybe one a week things take time but seriously people quit! There are so many things to help you quit now a days, there is electronic cigarettes go buy them! They are cheaper... yes I said it... cheaper than regular cigarettes. There are patches and gum and a whole lot of other things go buy them and quit! Now what really pisses me off is the fact that people will come in buy some food with their food card, then buy a whole crap load of lottery and then is digging for money for cigarettes. I'm sorry but if you can afford to smoke and you can afford to waster money on the lottery then you can buy your own god damn food. That crap just pisses me off, it really, really, really does. Also you can no longer smoke indoors like anywhere anymore so right there take  the hint stop smoking if you have to leave to smoke then stop why would you want to have to go outside to smoke especially if you live in a cold place so seriously get the picture and freaking stop. So there's not really any more to say about this subject really it just drives me nuts, its not good for you, you smell to I didn't mention that at all I should quick do you really want to smell like that?

Anyway what do you think?

Let me know and thanks for reading!

The This and That Guy :)  

American Psycho Review

American Psycho Review

So American Psycho is about this man who is during the day a successful business man and by night is this well Psycho. He goes around doing these weird and crazy things along with killing people. So what do I have to say for opening lines of this movie? Well the movie is interesting very interesting, a little weird. So I want to start with saying that the acting in this movie is just fantastic, Christian Bale did just an amazing job, he basically plays two different parts this serious business man and then the weird and strange murder psycho guy and he plays both parts perfectly. I think Christian Bale does just an amazing job when he has to play two parts in a movie, he did the same with The Dark Knight trilogy he played the famous billionaire Bruce Wayne by day and then by night he's Batman. Now the story is interesting but I don't really feel that the movie did the plot justice, I really feel as if this movie was just kind of boring at times. I didn't care for the story of the business man, I liked the psycho parts for the most part but then there were also times where he was just doing things that were just too weird and all these other things that I just hated. The script was also okay but I just thought there were quite a few parts that I was just bored and didn't care at all. I will say that the movie has some good horror moments that do freak you out a little bit and do creep you out a little, but it didn't really freak me out like some horror movies have. I also thought the movie had a weird ending and I guess I really didn't understand it at all, I'm going to be looking up the ending of the movie to see what it all means and see if I understand it at all that way.  So there are parts of this movie that I did like but for the most part I was just bored and wanted the movie to end.

A lot of people actually enjoyed this movie however there are some like me who didn't like the movie. A lot of the movie liked that the movie was funny and yet a horror at the same time and I should have mentioned above how I hated the comedy of the movie I just thought it was weird and out of place and awkward. People also did enjoy the horror movie moments in this movie and I so somewhat agree that the movie did have some enjoyable horror movies. Then there are people who are saying that the movie is the movie is boring that its a boring horror movie, I wouldn't necessarily say its that bad the movie isn't terrible there are some decent parts of this movie that are enjoyable but not all that satisfying. There are people saying that you need to read the book to appreciate the movie more, and I'm planning on reading the book but if I need to read the book to enjoy the movie then what's the point of watching the movie? I should be able to watch the movie without having to read the book to enjoy this movie! A lot of people liked Bales performance like they should have because it was an amazing performance. There are also people saying that you shouldn't judge this movie as a horror movie so I think maybe what I'm going to have to do is read the book and then watch this movie and not watch it as a horror movie and report back. So most people are saying to see this movie and they all liked it but I didn't, in my opinion they movie was boring and I didn't really like it.

So as for a rating of this movie I'm gong to give it a score of 5/10

So what did you think? Did you agree? Let me know and thanks for reading!

The This and That Guy :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Best songs of 2013

Best Songs of 2013

So  today for Tunes Thursday I'm counting down the best songs in my opinion of 2013! Sorry this took so long to get up but I have been busy with work and such and its been hard to post. So lets just start right up shall we?

At number ten we have country singer Luke Bryan with his song That's My Kind of Night. I love this song its up beat its catchy and I love Luke Bryan he is a great singer and I love his live performances as well.

At number nine is the song Blurred Lines this song is just super catchy, you can hear this song once and just have it in your head all day long. The song is kind of a rap/pop song and I just love it. Robin  Thikes album was a big album this last year, I haven't had a chance to listen to it all yet but I'm to
soon. I don't know much about Thike he is a newer name and I hope he puts out more music.

At number eight is Scream and Shout by Will I Am featuring Britney Spears. This song is so freaking catchy and I love it. The song is kind of a dance club kind of song and its so hard for me not to dance to this song whenever I hear it. This song is so easy to tap you foot to, this song was like my house song when I was living with my friends in 2013 and I just remember us putting that song on replay. A great, great, great song!

At number seven we have Can't Hold Us by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. This song is super freaking catchy it was on so many movie trailers just in the summer of 2013. The chorus is just the greatest part of this song and I love it. The songs a super catchy tune, its a rap song and I'm not a fan of rap usually but I enjoyed this one.

At number six we have Cruise by Florida Georgia Line. This song is just awesome, its a great summer song super catchy and it even went on to get a remix with Nelly that went even bigger. The version of the song I like better is the country version only, the one with Nelly is alright but it just wasn't my type of thing. I have listened to the rest of the album and I love that as well expect a review for that album soon!

At number five we have the song Mirrors by Justin Timberlake. The song is not only catchy but just has a beautiful meaning to it. Justin Timberlake has such a great voice and he can do all kinds of beautiful high and low notes with his voice and this song showed his talents with both of that with this song. I absolutely love this song and still find myself listening to this song all the time.

At number four is Just Give Me a Reason by Pink. This song is also another catchy and beautiful song. I absolutely love Pinks voice and the song features Nate Ruess who is from the band F.U.N and he also has just a great voice. I love this song its just a wonderful beautiful song, its a slower song and its not at all boring just beautiful.

At number three we have the song Daylight by Maroon 5 Now this song could mean so many different things and the music video for this song really shows that, if you haven't seen it well you tube it because the song and video is just beautiful. I like Maroon 5 and I love Adam Levine's voice he has such a great voice and I love the music he writes.

At number two is Everybody's got Somebody but me. This is just a great song that I feel everyone can relate to. The song has such a great meaning to it and I love when you can really relate to a song. Hunter Hayes sings this song and I love this song. This song is in my head all the time, I feel like this song didn't get the attention it deserved, I just didn't feel this song wasn't as popular as it should have been at all.

Hunter Hayes

At number one is Love Somebody by Maroon 5. I think that Maroon 5 had a stellar year this year. They had so many great songs and I love their new album which I have already reviewed. I always have this song in my head this song has a great beat and the song is catchy and the song is also beautiful as well. This song has been played so many times on my phone that its not even funny.This song just had to be number one for me because of the fact that even if another song is playing this one is still in the back of my mind.

So that's my top songs of 2013, what did you think? Let me know!!!!

The This and That Guy :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Gun Rights

Gun Rights

Gun Rights

So today for whatever Wednesday we are going to talk about gun rights. This is something that can be touchy for a lot of people so before I actually get into talking about this I want to say that I'm trying to offend anyone this is just my opinion if you don't like it well that's your right not to like it so lets get into talking about this. So as for my opinion I'm kind of stuck on this one, I have to say I don't like guns though. These things can kill people and there is just a lot of people who are immature and I don't trust these kind of people with things that could kill people. I do feel that people should be able to have them to hunt and I also feel that it should be okay if we have them in our house as means of protection. There are some seriously messed up people now a days and I feel that we should get that feeling of safety. Although we have knifes and those can kill this is another thing there is a lot of men in particular that just have to much of a thing for guns and they are obsessed with them. I'm just sometimes scared that maybe some guy is going to show up at my door and shot me. I also think about the Travon Martian thing about year ago and how there was a lot of controversity in that case and some one was killed and someone was tried for murder. This is a big issue, and yes I know its in the constitution but i really do believe that things need to change with time you cant just keep arguing with that times were different then and I feel like we should at least figure out some other way and tighten this rule a bit.

So what do you think? Do you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reding!!!!

The This and That Guy :)

Bridemaids Review


So Bridesmaids is about these group of women who plan the weeding of their friend and throughout the planning of this weeding some pretty hilarious things happen. So I have to say I love this movie, now there are rumors that this is not a chick flick and I'm here to tell you this movie is NOT a chick flick. The movie is about some bridesmaids but the movie is just so funny that this movie is just not at all a chick flick. So lets start with the acting in this movie, everyone in this movie does just phenomenal in their role. Melissa McCarthy actually got nominated for her role in this movie and I have to say she deserved that nomination she does just aweso/me, every scene she's in she steals, she is just so hilarious and I loved every minute of her scenes. She lost to Octavia Spencer in her role of  The Help and I haven't seen that movie but I have heard she was amazing so we will give her that.  This movie was also nominated for the screenplay which the lead actress Kristen Wiig actually helped write. This movie has a great story, this movie is so funny because of its real dialogue, the stuff they say in this movie just is so real, its the kind of conversation that I use everyday! So it definitely deserved that nomination. It lost to Midnight in Paris and that movie was just great so we will also give it to that movie. Something I also loved about this movie is how much heart is in this movie, its about women who become really good friends and you can just feel their bonding and I loved it. So this movie is great its hilarious its so real and I just loved this movie.

So  what did the people think? Well there is actually a lot of positive talk about this movie, a lot is coming from critics though, the negative talk comes from normal everyday people who hated the comedy in the movie and thought the movie was just a mess. Now this movie is a comedy and of course there are going to be people who hate the comedy in this movie, I loved the comedy it all just felt so real and it was just hilarious. I don't know why people are hating the comedy but I just felt the movie was amazing and I think its going on my list of best comedies of all time. There are people who say that the movie feels like a whole bunch of skits put into one movie and I just really disagree with that. So I loved this movie so much I've watched it again and again and I will continue to laugh and love this movie and I always will.

So as for a rating of this movie I'm going to give this movie a 9/10!!

So do you agree? Let me know and thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

300 2 Trailer Review

300 2 Trailer Review

So today is trailer Tuesday and today we talk about the sequel to the movie 300. So the third trailer to the movie came out and wow am I excited for this movie. First of all the movies action sequences look amazing!!! I thought the action and the violence and all that was awesome in the first one well this one just looks awesome. I also like how this one is going to somewhat right after the first one and they are acknowledging the events of the first movie. There is one thing about this trailer however that I'm not liking at the moment is the music in this trailer it was just kind of weird in my opinion and I just really hope they keep away from this kind of music. I loved the first movies score I think it was just great and made the movie even more bad ass!!! I'm so glad that Zach Synder is coming back to direct and I'm so excited to see this movie, there isn't a lot of dialogue in this trailer except for some battle calls and cries which sound awesome but as far as everything else I'm not sure yet. So not a lot to say about this  trailer except for the fact that it looks awesome!!!

So what did you think?

Let me know!!!

The This and That Guy :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Tommy Boy Review

Tommy Boy

So Tommy Boy is about a guy named Tommy who is the son of this successful auto parts 
dealer and after his dad dies he has to go on this road trip to sell auto parts in order to save the company with his dads assistant who is really  not a fan of Tommy. So let me just say that this is one of my favorite comedies of all time. I have watched this movie about a billion times and I'm exaggerating when I say that. This movie is just funny, I know only like two people who haven't seen this movie and I have known one person in total who hate this movie and that person is a freaking retard so his opinion does not count. So I guess we will start with the story of this movie, I love it, its one of those road trip movies but I don't feel that its one of those bad annoying ones this one is funny and actually is good. The movie is a predictable road trip movie, yes but the movie has such great comedy that goes along with this movie that I just don't even care and I don't feel that you even notice it. This movie has heart even there are parts where I just feel like I might cry. Now I have to talk about the acting between the two leads Chris Farley and David Spade. These guys just have great chemistry and they are just a great team. These guys are just hilarious and I love them so much. This movie is no Oscar winning movie but this movie is just great, if your having a bad day then this is a movie that I will watch. The movie is just funny and its hard not to laugh or smile during this movie.

So what do the people think? Now there are actually not a lot of bad reviews of this movie that I found. There are people who are saying that this movie is just a rip off of Planes, Trains and Automobiles, and this is something that I don't agree with, yes its a road trip movie but I don't feel it rips it off. There are also a lot of people who hate the humor and I don't personally think its bad I love the humor in this movie. Now I think there are definitely some dumb humor but I still think that the humor is funny. There are actually a lot of people who are saying that this movie is their favorite of all time, I don't know if I agree with that but I do consider one of my favorite comedies of all time. It really is a great movie.

So as for my rating of Tommy Boy I give this movie a 8/10!

That might be a little high but there's a lot of other people giving it that ratting as well so you know that it just deserves it.

Well thanks for reading and we will see you next time!!!

The This and That Guy :)

Batman Vs Superman News

So today for movie news we are going to talk about the big movie news of the weekend. The Batman VS Superman movie that was supposed to come out in 2015 is now going to come out in 2016. Now let me start by saying that I'm not that excited about this movie so far. I would love to see a movie where Batman and Superman face off but so far from all the news that's been going on about Wonder Woman and Flash and all these characters that are going to be in it or are rumored to be in it its more of a Justice League movie. I feel like they just need to have a Batman Superman movie and that's it, add Lex Luthur since it is the sequel to Man of Steel. But so far all they are doing is making a Justice League movie and I just don't feel that its the way to go.  We need time to see just these two in action first. I see why DC is rushing to get this done and I see why they want to get The Justice League done after the success of The Avengers they want to try to stay even with Marvel but they just cant do that if they are going to rush all of this. Marvel had a plan for all of their songs for years they've had a game plan for a long time and they continue to plan for the future. Before they had The Avengers they had five movies to set it up, this is what DC needs to do and they are trying to do this with one movie (Man of Steel) and that's just to much to do, and in the one movie they only introduced one hero and they are just going to try to squeeze in these other characters in the Batman Vs Superman. So anyway getting to the real news of the weekend here the movie was pushed to 2016 and do I think that's a bad thing, and I honestly don't think it is. They were going to put it out about the same time of The Avengers 2 and like I said above they were trying to copy The Avengers in my opinion which is just suicide, so hopefully this will give them time to make a better movie and not make it a Justice League movie. I think that they can do well they just need to take this time to make a better movie and not make it a Justice League movie. So far I'm not so excited about this movie, but this helps me be hopeful.

So what do you think? Do you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Turbo Review


So first of all I want to start this out by saying that I'm sorry that I didn't post yesterday for tunes Thursday or  at all yesterday I was planning to put out my list of best songs of 2013 which I've been in so much thought for. I'm sorry that I've been busy I'm guessing that I will be up and going again in February. But anyway onto the review of Turbo. Now Turbo is about this snail who is a fan of the Indy 500 and he wants to be fast but he's a snail and slow but then when he's thrown into this car and some nitrogen oxide is accidentally put in his system he becomes this super fast snail, and now he can go into the Indy 500. So I have to say i enjoyed this kids movie, it was pretty good in my opinion. This movie was a great kids movie I really think that kids will like this movie. I also think that adults will like it, its no Monsters Inc. or anything but its good enough that adults will enjoy it as well. I have to say the animation in this movie was pretty good, along with that I enjoyed the voices in this movie. Ryan Reynolds, Paul Giamatti, Michelle Rodriguez and many others are voices in this movie and i have to say i enjoyed them. I want to say something that i don't know if this makes sense at all but the characters had great chemistry, I know that's kind of hard to say seeing as they are animated characters but they did a great job of making the two sets of brothers in this movie just mean something and they just had great chemistry. This movie is a little cheesy and it is a little predictable, this is something you have seen before but its done in a way that it is still enjoy bale. So all in all this movie is an enjoyable kids movie, its also an enjoyable enough movie for adults to watch with their kids.

So what do the people say? So a lot of people have been agreeing with me the movie is a little cheesy the movie is a little predictable and I feel that most have felt the movie was still enjoyable even though it was cheesy and predictable. Now some are saying that kids will like it but adults wont, I will say this about that, I enjoyed the movie and I know quite a few adults that have enjoyed the movie so I guess its just who the adults is. Some people are saying that the movie just rips off some other movies and I can get where they are coming from there are parts and lines of the movie where its familiar from other films, especially Disney films. There is also people who are saying that this movie had bad animation I don't really agree with that really, I thought it was decent its nothing spectacular no but the movie has some good animation in my opinion.

So as for my rating of Turbo I'm going to give this movie a 6/10.

So I have to apologize for lack of posts I have a family thing this weekend and have been busy but I will get more posts up this weekend and I will get some more up this week as well.

Thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :) 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lone Survivor Review

Lone Survivor 

So Lone Survivor is the true story about four men who go out on a mission to find an Al Qaeda leader and along their journey they end up meeting some men in the woods and they might be good guys or bad guys they don't really know so they have to make a decision of weather or not to take them as prisoners and possibly shot down these guys or leave them alone and run and their decision ends up becoming the second option of letting them go, and then they get chased after by these men. So let me start by saying this movie is freaking intense, the movie is just so real and I especially loved that because of the fact that its a true story. So I want to start by talking about the opening credits of this movie, there is actual footage of people training and I loved that they showed this, it didn't really have anything to do with the movie really but I think it was great because it showed us what happens and it showed set us up for how intense this movie is because it is intense. Now something else I have to say about this intro is when the movie actually starts is that the movie doesn't have any set up which isn't a bad thing always but I just didn't really care about the characters because there was just no set up for this movie it told us their names maybe once or twice and then it went right into the action. So it was a little hard to care about the characters I guess. When the action started one of the guys would get shot and such and I just said to myself "Oh look what's his face just died" and I just think that it would have been better if I knew who he was. Now lets talk about the action, holy crap!! The movie did such a great job of this, it felt so real and it was just amazing. It was visually stunning and it just felt so real, my heart just stopped at times. I really loved it because of the fact that this is a true story. This movie can be hard to watch both for what happens and how real the action is and I think its because of the fact that its a true story. This movie is just hard to watch at times and I really think you should take caution before going in to see this movie. I should also say something about the makeup in this movie because the wounds and such in this movie was just amazing they looked so real and I could not believe that they were not real wounds. This movie is getting a little Oscar buzz and I think that this movie could get an Oscar for its make up. Now this movie had about an hour plus of action and I loved that, the movie went by so fast because of this and the movie could have even been longer and the movie would have been better if we would have seen more character development. Now something else that I really loved about how true this movie was is the fact that it showed that there are good guys across seas. I think Americans have this stereo type that if they have a beard, a turban, they don't speak English and if they live in Iraq then they are terrorists and they are bad people but that isn't true and this movie shows that. Now lastly I want to talk about the acting in this movie, I think that Mark Wahlberg could get an Oscar in this movie he does just amazing as this guy and I loved every second of his performance.

So what are the people saying? Well this movie isn't doing as well as I would have thought it would. Well a lot of people just have brought down the movie so much just because of the fact that we don't care as much as we would like, I agree that you don't really care to much but I really don't think that it makes the movie horrible like people are saying. Now some people don't like that a lot of the movie is an action movie. What I have to say to this is that this movie is a real story this happened and I think the movie is great as is when it comes to the action. I think this movie was just realistic with the action and I just loved that it was realistic like it was. Now there are some people who are saying that the movie isn't at all as close as the book or in real life and I guess I don't know if that true or not, I heard that the actual guy helped with the movie and that always just gives me some comfort and I have an easier time believing its true, so that's what I think you can have your opinion and ill have mine. Now there are also some reviews talking about war, and military and all that kind of stuff, I don't think that should make someone's rating of a movie if you agree with what we are doing across seas and all that's your opinion and eventually I will put up my opinion of that in a post soon but I'm not going to talk about that in my review because I just don't feel that it brings the movie up or down it just doesn't belong in a movie review in my opinion. Some people are talking about Propaganda and all that kind of crap along with that and you know what I don't care my ratting of this movie is of the movie itself not my opinion of that kind of crap, I will give my opinions of that kind of stuff but not on a movie review. So besides these kind of things a lot of people like this movie.

So I thought this movie was great the action was great and very real. The acting was good and this movie just felt so real that it was even hard to watch at times. So as for a rating for this movie I'm going to give Lone Survivor a 8/10.

So what did you think? Did you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

The Guilt Trip Review

The Guilt Trip

So The Guilt Trip is a movie about a mother and a son who decide to go on a road trip across the country. So this is another one of those comedies where the one person is annoyed with the other and then they end up bonding and in the end they are closer and yeah we all know how all that works. So I guess we should start with the story on this one since I kind of already talked about it a bit, but the movie is predictable, you know what's going to happen right from the beginning you have no doubt in your mind of what's going to happen from the minute the movie starts. Now the acting in the movie, I want to start out by saying Barbara Streisand is just a great loving mother, I could tell she enjoyed playing this loving and fun mother. I feel like a lot of her lines and such were improvised she just put anything and everything out there. Now Seth Rogen is the son in this movie, now he does okay, he really is just the same guy as he is in every single other movie. I also have to say that I really hate his character for most of the movie. He is just a jerk to his mother who is just trying to help her son and be a loving mother. Now maybe I hate it because my mom isn't at all like this but I just felt that he was a loser and he should have been more appreciative of his mother so his character just really annoyed me. I have to say that I loved one the lessons that you take away from this movie don't take advantage of the people who love and care about you, I think that this is something that a lot of people do in this world. I will admit to that even and I do this because of my trust issues, but I should learn to quit and I do try. Now this movie had some decent funny parts but for the most part it was more boring than anything, there is a couple parts though that I did enjoy. This movie isn't no Planes Trains and Automobiles or a Tommy Boy but it is enjoyable enough that you enjoy it. I'm not going to go out and buy this movie at al, but I would maybe consider watching it again on Netfllix if someone else wanted to watch it.

So what are the people saying? Now there are a lot of people saying that's its not that funny which I do agree with its not like a classic road trip comedy movie. There are some people saying that they liked the chemistry between them and I agree I liked the chemistry between them, I agree with that. People are also saying that the movie is predictable which as I said above it is. So everyone else said it was a decent time, I think that you will enjoy this movie when there's nothing else on T.V. The movie was touching and it some decent funny parts.

Now as for a rating I'm going to give this movie a rating of  6/10.

So what did you think did you agree?

Let me know and thanks for watching!!!

The This and That Guy :)

The Death Peanaty

The Death Penalty

So today for Whatever Wednesday I thought I'd give my opinion of the death penalty. So my opinon of this subject is yes we should do it, but I feel that we should use it with caution. First of all I think it should only be used for the major crimes. People who murder, people who rape maybe and maybe not even that. I kind of feel like when it comes to killing people an eye for an eye should be used, I don't really feel that's true for everything but for killing yes. I also feel that we need to make absolute sure that the people that we are putting down are innocent. I don't really know that it would work with our system that we have now because I feel like that at times it does things wrong. Now there is talk of how expensive it is, and to this I kind of say something that is just hard to say but maybe its time to go back to the olden days when we used just some guns to take down people. I don't really feel that we need to have it be the nice and friendly way of putting them down like a dieing dog. Now I know its not exactly a nice way to go but if they killed an innocent person does it need to be so nice. A dog is put down so nicely because its our pet and you know what it does some awesome things like give us happinesss and love, they doe deserved to be taken down nicely but people who kill don't exactly need to be treated as nicely in my opinion. So I'm not really sure what else to say on the matter I feel that at times it makes sense to do so. We need to make sure that we are making 100% no 10,000% sure that the people are innocent.

So what do you think do you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!

The This and That Guy :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Duplex Review

Duplex Review

So Duplex is about this young married couple who decided its time to get their own home, so they look at a place that they love and buy it what they don't really realize is that the home is a duplex and right upstairs is a crazy old needy lady who just wont leave them alone. So the acting in this movie is decent, its not going to get any Oscars but it was good. The person I really want to talk about is Eileen Essell, she plays Mrs. Connelly who is the old lady causing problems. I absolutely loved her, she just played the part so well. I think she just had so much fun playing this old lady I could just tell she enjoyed being the annoying old lady and I really enjoyed her performance.  I also have to mention Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore when they are going crazy, I loved it they really went nuts and I could just tell how great of a job they did. Again these performances aren't Oscar wining but they still were good. So I did like the idea of this story its something that I feel a lot of people can relate to some people have a neighbor like this and its just super easy to relate to. I will have to say some parts of this movie is kind of predictable and  I think that the movie delivers it poorly. The movie is a pretty decent comedy it could have been worse but it wasn't terrible.

So what are the people saying? So a lot of people agree with me. The movie can be predictable at times, there are parts that aren't terrible though, like the ending for me was just hilarious and I just didn't see it coming. Everyone agrees that the old lady is just awesome in this movie, she is just hilarious and I loved her. A few didn't like the comedy but of course we are always going to have that one person who says they hated the comedy, personally I felt the comedy for the most part was decent nothing spectacular but it was decent.

So all in all an enjoyable time, I don't know that I'd buy this movie but I watched it on Netflix and I enjoyed it. So as for a rating I'm going to give this movie 6/10.

So what did you think? Do you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

Big Daddy Review

Big Daddy

So Big Daddy is about this lazy guy who is going no where in life and in order to impress his girlfriend he adopts this kid, but he soon realizes that the kid is more important to him than an object to impress his girlfriend. So I have to say this is an actual decent movie. So I want to start with the acting of this movie, Adam Sandler is the same person really that he is in every movie. The two twins Dylan and Cole Sprouse I have to say though did really well as the kid in this movie, I could totally see a kid being the way they are and then hanging out with some immature person and then turning into that person. Now the story of this movie is decent there are parts of this movie that are heartwarming and you will connect to the story. This movie is also a comedy and I would say that the comedy in this movie is decent, there are a couple of moments in which the movie is a slap in the face but there is also some decent funny lines and such. I also thought this movie is pretty cheesy and a little predictable. I think that this is one of Adam Sandler's best films that he has done. Its nothing spectacular but I think it does the job well enough.

So what are the people saying? So there are some reviews that people are saying that the movie insults some people and I can see that but really I feel like in every comedy there is going to be something that will insult someone. My response to that is get the heck over it. There are also people saying that the humor in the movie stinks, again there are always going to be people saying that they didn't like the humor because comedy is different for everyone there is always going to something that is funny to one person and just annoying to another person. There are a few people who hate how unrealistic the movie is, and to this I agree with the movie is pretty unrealistic but when I watch it I really don't care the movie is not based on a true story its a comedy, comedies don't have to be real.

So this movie is decent you don't need to go out and buy it, but if its on T.V then its worth watching it. If your having a bad day and you need a laugh this movie will do.

So as for a rating I'm going to give this movie a 6/10

So what did you think did you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!

The This and That Guy :)

Movie 43 Review

Movie 43

So today I bring you the number one worst movie of 2013 review Movie 43. Well get ready for me to just bash a movie. This movie is just horrible!!! I hated pretty much every minute of this movie. This movie is kind of like an episode of Saturday Night Live except worse! The movie is just a bunch of skits thrown into a movie. Now I'm not going to lie I was actually excited for this movie. I saw the trailer and the trailer looked great, the movie has just a superb cast that included Hugh Jackman, Emma Stone, Kate Winslet, Halle Berry, Dennis Quaid and Seth MacFarlane just to name a few of them. This made me just super excited, I mean some of this actors are Oscar winners or have at least been nominated for Oscars how could this movie not be bad, am I right? Well yeah I was wrong! This movie was just terrible, the movie was so terrible that even the cast did not show up for the premiere. I almost turned this movie off! The movie had a couple of skits that were decent and the acting was decent but everything else was just terrible. The comedy was supposed to be funny I guess and a lot of this movie had humor that was just disgusting there was times where I just wanted to vomit. There are little tiny things that you might connect with but probably not. The movie is just so stupid and dumb there really is nothing else to say to you about this movie. Don't rent it, don't buy it, don't even watch it on Netflix because its a waste of your Netflix subscription. If you want to watch something that is just as entertaining as this movie watch paint dry its funier and even more entertaining. This movie should have a freaking award for being able to sit through this movie. Yes I said it there should be an award show of 2013 of people who sat through this movie and watched it all we should all get a trophy for it. There was no point to this movie its just disgusting and gross and there is a couple parts where you might giggle and just might giggle but otherwise this movie is just horrible.

So what are the people saying? Everyone is saying the same things there is the one person who was probably drinking while watching this movie who thought this movie was funny and a good time but I'm here and others are here to tell you that they are all wrong!!!! I'm looking at the movie ratings and I've never seen so many 0/10's in my life! Everyone is saying the same thing about this movie. The movie has no point, the movie is stupid, the movie is dumb, the movie is disgusting. Its all the same stuff. I can't believe that this movie got into theaters, I'm so happy that I didn't pay to see this movie. This movie makes me want to change my career path choice of joining the entertainment industry, yes its that bad!! However I also need to thank this movie because it makes me want to go into the entertainment industry even more and not ever make a piece of crap like this show the world that we don't need to die a slow and painful death by watching these horrible pieces of crap.

So for a ratting I'm going to be generous and give this movie a  1/10 for the acting in this movie which really it shouldn't even get that!!!

So what did you think? No don't answer that the movie was horrible and I know that you think that to either that or your completely drunk or your smoking something.

Thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

Pitch Perfect Review

Pitch Perfect
So Pitch Perfect is a movie about this girl Beca who is pressured into joining this group of all girl singing group to take on all of the other groups in the competition. So this movie is pretty great I must say this movie is awesome. This movie is a musical I guess, the girls are mostly singing to practice for their competition or singing for the competition. Now this movie isn't an Oscar winning movie but this movie is kind of awesome I love the music in this movie it just great. The acting is decent again nothing Oscar winning but still great. The story is great the dialogue is great. The movie is predictable but the movie is a great time and I think you will enjoy the hell out of this movie its meant to be just a fun movie its meant to make you get up and dance and sing. I couldn't believe out great the comedy is, yes there are some stupid funny parts that a little of a slap in your face but its actually pretty darn good for the most part. I loved the music for this movie I have the soundtrack I love how they mixed together music and how great they just all got mixed. This movie isn't an Oscar winning movie however it really is a great time and I totally suggest you check it out.

So what are the people saying? So a lot of what people are saying is what I'm saying. The movie is a great time, there are some decent laughs in the movie it shows us a little bit of really nicely done cappella singing. There are some people who are saying that the movie has its good and bad scenes, this is something that I do understand, there is humor that works and some other humor that's just been used before and its not funny and its just annoying. However the good scenes out way the bad scenes in my opinion. There are people who are saying the movie is predictable which yes it is but even though there are parts of the movie that are predictable the movie is still a great time that I think you can still enjoy. So besides that that's about it, the movie is a good time, yes the laughs can be dumb and the movie can be predictable but I can promise you that there are moments in this movie that you will enjoy.

So as for a ratting of this movie I'm going to give this movie a solid 7/10!

So what did you think? Did you agree? Let me know!

I need to again apologize for lack of posts I've been working nights at work for about a month now until we can find someone to work nights. so there may be days until the night shift is done that I don't post I have the next two days off however so expect some more posts in the next two days.

Thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)