

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Gun Rights

Gun Rights

Gun Rights

So today for whatever Wednesday we are going to talk about gun rights. This is something that can be touchy for a lot of people so before I actually get into talking about this I want to say that I'm trying to offend anyone this is just my opinion if you don't like it well that's your right not to like it so lets get into talking about this. So as for my opinion I'm kind of stuck on this one, I have to say I don't like guns though. These things can kill people and there is just a lot of people who are immature and I don't trust these kind of people with things that could kill people. I do feel that people should be able to have them to hunt and I also feel that it should be okay if we have them in our house as means of protection. There are some seriously messed up people now a days and I feel that we should get that feeling of safety. Although we have knifes and those can kill this is another thing there is a lot of men in particular that just have to much of a thing for guns and they are obsessed with them. I'm just sometimes scared that maybe some guy is going to show up at my door and shot me. I also think about the Travon Martian thing about year ago and how there was a lot of controversity in that case and some one was killed and someone was tried for murder. This is a big issue, and yes I know its in the constitution but i really do believe that things need to change with time you cant just keep arguing with that times were different then and I feel like we should at least figure out some other way and tighten this rule a bit.

So what do you think? Do you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reding!!!!

The This and That Guy :)

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