The Amazing Spider Man 2
Well The new trailer for The Amazing Spider Man 2 trailer came out today so let's talk about it shall we. So The amazing Spider Man 2 trailer looks pretty freaking awesome. Now beside we start talking about this movie I feel like I should start out by saying I'm not really a fan of The first Amazing Spider-Man. I mean it was good but I would but it I second to last Spider-Mans in front of Spider Man 3. Now as far as the cast goes I do like the cast, I liked Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker I kind of prefer Toby Maguire. However I do like how he looks more like a high schooler and not an adult. One thing I didn't lie, about him is that I felt he was a little arrogant and cocky. I mean I like that in a Spider-Man character because he is a kid and kids are cocky but I just felt it was over the top and it just annoyed me. This movie seemed as if it was a little darker so this might help and with three villains I think this might put it down a bit. Emma Stone I don't feel I need to say anything she's just amazing. The new cast includes Paul Giamatti, Jamie Foxx, Dane DeHaan. Now I like Paul and Jamie they are just amazing actors, Dane I'm not sure about I haven't seen him in anything and I don't know from the trailer I don't know if I like him but it's just the trailer so we will have to wait to see the movie. Now there have been some complaints about The Rhino and his look however I don't mind it I think it still looks pretty darn cool. Electro looks awesome there were parts in the trailer where I wasn't sure about him he looked a little to much like a cartoon character but then the trailer went on and I'm no longer in doubt he looks, sounds, and does amazing things. Now there have also been talk about to many villains. I am so far agreeing with this, I mean look at Spider Man 3 it just had to many villains and that was part of the reason it was so horrible. So I am just scared that the film might be all over the place and uneven. I also feel sometimes that if there's to many villains the final battle just feels impossible and then the hero just easily wins in my opinion. I'm curious to see if it will work this time around though. I have high hopes there's some many great actors in this one and I feel they might be able to pull this off. Also the action the special effects look so awesome in this one that I can't help but be excited.
So what did you think?
Are you excited? Let me Know!!!
The This and That Guy :)
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