

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Don Jon Review

Don Jon Review

So Don Jon is a movie about a normal guy, his normal day to day activities include family, church, working out, picking up women and well porn, and Jon starts to decide that porn is better than actual sex. Well I have to say I did enjoy this movie. I think it might be harder for a girl to like this movie because of the fact that it's kind of a guy thing I don't know how else to explain it but it's more of a guy film in my opinion. So I think part of the reason I liked this movie is because I could relate to this guy. Now this is awkward to talk about but this is the This and That blog and we do talk about everything so yes I've looked at porn and no I don't think it's a big deal, now I'm not as bad as a lot of guys like the character in this movie but I don't think it's that big of a deal. The movie did talk about religion and church and the main character confessed to masturbating, I'm not religious but I really don't feel that this is a sin. That's my opinion believe what you would like but that's what I think.So Joseph Gordon Levitt is the star, writer and director, and he kills it in EVERYTHING. I knew this guy was a great actor but holy crap, this guy is going to be bringing us some great things in the future because the movie was just phenomenal. Now I do have to say I was bored in some spots some things just happened over and over again and it got boring at times. I also felt that there were a few characters that just didn't feel like they needed to be in there. I also felt that there was this one relationship that just felt awkward to me and I just didn't like it. So this movie was interesting, I related to this movie and I enjoyed this movie.

So what do the people think? So there are a few who felt that the whole porn was just weird and they didn't like the movie because of the that and they were females who did those reviews so I'm not surprised there. There were a few who also said that the movie was repetitive and I do agree with that a bit it made the movie a little boring at times. Besides that I've read some really great things. This is Joseph Gordon Levitt's directorial debut and it's also his first time writing so I think we can all just forgive everything he did wrong and just realize how wonderful he did on his first time.

So as for a  ratting of this movie I'm going to give it a 6/10

So what did you think did you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

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