

Friday, December 6, 2013

If I won the lottery

If I Won the Lottery

Well if I won the lottery this would be my top ten things.

1. Donate money.  To some charity or some group that was of good cause. I want the feeling of knowing I gave money to people who deserve some help.

2. Give a co worker who needs a vacation a vacation, someone who works hard and puts a lot of hours in and has been a great person to work with.

3. Donate to one person randomly. Like at a store if I see someone wants something and they can't afford it give them the money to buy it.

4. Pay off my bills, this one is a little obvious but I just want to pay of my bills.

5. Give some money to my friend who have supported me and have been with me through thick and thin.

6. Buy a new car, mine is old and falling apart so I'd probably get a new one.

7. Move to Florida Wisconsin is cold and I don't like it here. ;)

8. Adopt a dog that needs a home and has been mistreated.

9. Give money to orphans/ foster homes/ etc.

10. Give to those who I have hurt in the past.

Well what's your list of things to do?

Let me know!!!

Thanks for reading

The This and That Guy :)

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