How I Met Your Mother Series Finale spoilers
Well hello everybody I hope all is well. So today we talk about the series finale of what USED to be one of my favorite shows. Now before we get to the finale lets talk about the final season as a whole. Now here is your warning there is going to be SPOILERS in this review let me say that again huge heavy SPOILERS!!!! So if you do not want anything to be spoiled leave this review until you watch the show first. Now the eighth season ended with everyone leaving to get to Robin and Barney's weeding. We knew that Lily and Marshall were planning on leaving for Italy, but Marshall also found out he was going to become a judge and they might not go. We know that Ted is planning on leaving for Chicago, and we also know that Barney and Robin are excited for their weeding. Now I have to say that watching the eighth season and knowing that they were planning to do the entire last season into three days did worry me a little bit, and I think after watching the final season I was right to be worried. The season was just choppy and just to many things happened in the course of a days time. Even Ted said in one of the final episodes that its just unbelievable how many things have happened in one day. I also felt that there were to many fluff episodes that just did nothing, they made us laugh a little bit but when it comes to the last season there is just no reason to have those fluff episodes if your going to have them have them in other season in my opinion. The episodes just did nothing to move the plot forward and they could have replaced that episode with something more important. So I guess that's my thoughts on the last season to many fluff episodes and just to many things happening, now lets talk about the final episode shall we?
So lets talk about some good things now before we get on with the bad because there are a lot of them. First off this episode got off to a FANTASTIC start. I loved how we saw Ted see the mother I loved the whole Barney going Ted...Ted...Ted it was just hilarious. I also loved the goodbyes that we got from the characters when they were saying goodbye to Ted. Robin and Ted's major thing was perfect, The high five between Ted and Barney was hilarious and just like them, Marshalls goodbye was great and I even loved the E.T goodbye with Lilly it was all just hilarious and sweet. I also have to talk about the whole saying goodbye to the apartment thing, I'm glad they had a goodbye to the apartment. There had been episodes in the past where we thought we would be saying goodbye to the apartment and we knew the time would eventually come that we would say goodbye to it and I loved the fact that they had a party to celebrate the apartment and all the wonderful memories we've had in it. I also though Lilly and Marshall had a great reason for leaving the apartment. Now something that I didn't like about the eighth season is the fact that Marshall and Lilly were leaving for Italy. I wanted Marshall to become a judge it just suited him in my opinion and he would be a great judge, so I was quite happy to find out that he did eventually become a judge and also a senator as well. I feel that Marshall out of all the characters on How I Met Your Mother was the most purest and the best person, Marshall is someone we should all try to be, so I just really felt he deserved to have what he wanted. Now the acting in this last episode was just phenomenal!! I was just floored by Neil Patrick's Harris scene where he first held his child it was just perfect and just a beautiful scene. I also loved how they had a few of those references to other seasons like the "caca mouse" it just gave me a great memory from previous episodes that I really loved and enjoyed. One final thing I have to say about the final episode that I liked is the mother, she was just perfect for Ted and just fit into the group nicely. I loved the met it was just so cute and it was just the perfect way for them to met. I loved the name Traci and I loved that she had the same initials. The two of them had just fantastic chemistry and she was just a fantastic character. Not going to lie I fell in love with her she was just so sweet and so funny and I just loved her.
Now lets get into the bad and I have to warn you there are a lot of them. First of all this show was a sitcom right? Except for the first ten minutes or so the entire episode was depressing!! It was more of a soap opera than a sitcom, I felt emotionally drained after watching the episode and just wanted a hug it was just so depressing. Now lets talk about what made the episode so depressing, first we start out with Barney and Robin getting divorced. I just don't understand how they could have done this the entire last season focused around their weeding and how much they were in love and then they just quit because of some traveling? I just didn't like that how can they give up over something so little. Something else that was just super depressing was the fact that they stopped being friends, they claimed to still be friends but they weren't, part of the reason why I loved the show and the characters was the fact that even after everything that these guys have been through their friendship still lasted. I loved the idea that these guys would just always be friends and would always be together. I don't have a lot of friends and I don't trust people and that's why I loved the characters they were a little bit of hope for me that I could find friends and have the same close and amazing friends forever. I also thought that I heard the future Ted saying that every year they go to see Robots Vs Wrestlers and every year they get together for holidays and in the episode Robin wasn't at Robots Vs Wrestlers so what happened to that? I've lost hope now after seeing this, this makes me want to never ever make friends again! Now the final super depressing part was the mother thing. How the heck can you make us fall in love with a character and have us wanting to met her for eight years and then just kill her off? I just don't get why they thought that would be a satisfying ending? Also another thing to go along with that, what happened? Did she have cancer? We know she was sick but what actually happened? It just felt insulting to the character. I was sad because I loved her but should I have felt even more sad? Was it a painful death was it quick was it slow? It was just stupid!!! I also didn't like the fact that they didn't get married right away, I just felt like that it wasn't something Ted would do and it just didn't fit the characters. Also I didn't like that Ted was still in love with Robin the whole time, to me it was even more of an insult to the character I felt like Traci was kind of like a prostitute she was being used! Ted used her for kids and let me grow up a bit with her until the kids were at an old enough age that Robin wouldn't mind them and then Ted went to Robin. It was just stupid and pathetic in my opinion. Now also like the rest of the season this episode went back and forth and just to much happened and it just got annoying and dumb. I also have to say that the whole Robin falling for Ted thing it just didn't make sense to me. Robin has admitted many times that she didn't want Ted and I just feel like that she just fell for him a little to easily and it just didn't work for me. Now lets talk about Barney because he was a key player in this last episode, now he is my favorite character but I hated him in this episode. The last few seasons were spent showing how he has changed and stuff and then all of a sudden he was just unchanged. What? This was just confusing to me! It also ruined the last few seasons to me because they really were pointless!! Barney not changing just doesn't work and it was dumb and lame. He also pretty much changed to his old self after having this baby. Now don't get me wrong I loved that scene, such an emotional and well acted scene but what the heck a child just changes Barney all of a sudden? What? Also with that who was the mother of that child? How come we never met her? It also sounded like he was taking care of the baby more than the mother was? Did he marry her? Did he just decide to raise the child? There were just to many unanswered questions and it was just stupid!! Now the final thing I want to talk about is the final speech from Ted and the kids, first of all I hated the kids speech!!! It just seemed stupid and unnatural and also with the final words from Ted where the heck is Bob Saget? We are just going to hear his voice for nine seasons and then all of a sudden he sounds like young Ted? What? It was just so stupid and just didn't match up with the rest of the show.
So all in all this was just a HUGE disappointment!! The show has been ruined for me!!I've tried watching it again and I just can't the show had a terrible ending and the show is just ruined!!!
So the ratting yeah there were good things I liked but the ending just gets a 0/10. The good didn't take over the bad.
So what did you think? Let me know and thanks for reading!!
The This and That Guy :)
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