

Saturday, April 19, 2014

How I Met Your Mother Review

How I Met Your Mother Review

So today I'm going to review How I Met Your Mother, the show just wrapped up not to long ago and now its time to review it. So this show is great I absolutely love this show but like every other show it  just doesn't have a satisfying ending season. In fact I want to say that you don't want to watch the last season of this show. But lets talk about this show as a whole.

So lets talk about the characters to start with. You will love these characters!!! They are just the best characters ever!! There are experiences and times where you see yourself as each and every character in this show. These characters are just funny and so relatable you will just love these characters. The actors who play the character just play their characters so well. I loved them sooo much. I feel like the characters are really what draw you in. Now lets talk about the story, the show is about a man telling his kids the story about how he met their mother, the story is just intriguing you are the entire time you are wanting to know how he met the mother and how everything is relevant. I just love the adventures they have and everything they do. Lets also talk about the phrases and quotes and dialogue in this show. You will find yourself repeating so many lines from the show. I just loved it so much and I'm still saying it even though the show is ruined for me. 

Now we need to talk about why this show is just ruined for me and thats the final season!!! Now I'm not going to spoil anything I will put up a review eventually with spoilers of the last season up here soon. Now the last season takes place in a weekends time and we know it will eventually lead up to the main character meeting the mother. Now we really didn't get to much about the mother up until season eight where the end of the season ended with us seeing the mother for the first time and I was hoping to get to get more of how we met the mother. I was just disappointed in that fact. Also they put to much into one season and it was just not believable how much happened. There was also a lot of throw away episodes and what I mean by that is that there were a lot of episodes that didn't further the plot at all and I don't mind those usually but in the last season with the stakes this high and stuff it was just stupid!! So i didn't like that either. This last season was also a terrible ending to the show it just threw everything away for an easy ending in my opinion that was supposed to be a surprise kind of but it was just horrible.

So as for ratting I'm going to have to rate the show before the last season and that ratting would be a 10/10. Now if we add on that last season I would have to say a 5/10! The show had a terrible ending  and it just felt like there were a lot of things that were just spoiled and ruined because of the endingof the   show. 

So what did you think? Did you agree?

Let me know and thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

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