

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tablet or book

Tablet or book

So tonight's topic is tablet vs book. 

We'll a tablet is lightweight it has a light so you can see which I do like. It's impossible to get a paper cut with a tablet which is nice. It's also nice that when your almost done with a book you can store another book on your tablet and not have any extra weight. But there is also a downside. A tablet needs to be charged which is annoying if you want to read your book and you can't because your tablet isn't charged. 

Now a book is always nice to, it's the old fashioned ways it doesn't have to be charged and you can go to a library and rent one out for free. Now a book has a lot of downsides though. It can give you a paper cut with its pages. If it's a thick boom it may be hard to store or heavy to carry. 

So what do I prefer. We'll I like both but I guess I prefer a book more than anything else. There's nothing like holding onto a actual book.theres more downside than there is a good side but I love reading a real book it just can't be beat.

So what do you think. Please please please comment and let me know. And also let me know what you want me to talk about next :)!!!

The this and that guy :)

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