

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Delivery Man Review

Delivery Man

So delivery man is a remake of a movie where a guy finds out that some sperm that he donated has given him a total of 533 kids, who are filling a lawsuit against him to find out his identity. So I want to start out by saying that I have not seen the original Starbuck. So this movie was ok. I want to start out with the acting. Vince Vaughn is really not a great actor in my opinion he's just the same guy in every role, so he really was nothing spectacular. So acting was nothing spectacular. I felt like the plot was decent a little slow and boring in some spots but pretty good. I have to say this movie was so heartwarming there were times where I was tearing up it was just a great movie as far as heart goes. I also felt that this movie has jumped around a little bit, one second he was doing something with his kids then the next he was dealing with money problems.  This movie had a few funny parts but I didn't feel it was all that funny. The movie was mostly heartwarming that was about it.

So what are the people saying? Quite a few are talking about how the acting really isn't all that great which I agree with. Quite a few are saying that it's the exact same as the original and there was nothing new brought to the table, which I wouldn't know because I haven't seen the original. I've also notice the director and writer and all is the same as Starbuck, I just feel like that would have meant no originality. A lot are also saying it'd jumpy and heartfelt which as I said above I agree with that. So for the most part I agree with the people.

So as for a ratting I give Delivery Man a 6/10

The movie had a lot of heart and there was some funny parts which saved the movie for me.

So what did you think? Did you agree? Let me know!!!

Thanks for reading!!!

The This and That Guy :)

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